Friday, 13 July 2007

The apple era

Firstly some appologies to avid readers as i am aware people have been missing my regular blog posts. I have a number of excuses but that is all they are.... excuses! Further to that i have to appologise for a lack of posting over the next couple of weeks as i will be away o holiday and away on another managment confrence!

So how was the last confrence? Well despite clear aprihention and concern about how usefull it wold be i fully endorse the experience now! Made 15 great new friends and have some excellent stories. I am now looking forward to the second one.

So the first LMC went well and to make matters even better i had my apple mac delivered too so i am now writting my blog on that! WOO HOO Tomorow is the open day and a mild panic is going on inside as i have to pack for my holiday later on in the evening as welll.

Please let more people know about the blog so that its popularity grows and with that the KTP project gets better press!

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