Thursday, 23 August 2007

The speakers and the projector

a joyous day today as my speakers and video projector were brought up to meet their new owner (me) by Les. They i do think will be getting some good use and shall help me in many a presentation in the future. For now they shall just need a bit of testing...

Now what else of a more practical day to day note can i talk about... er... oh yes of course which was very productibve and again as we managed to discuss a lot of things and catch up with where we both were in terms of the project. The meeting showed me that i was getting on well with my project and that i was focused well on some of the aspects that i consider to be important... i guess i just need to keep on track with them and things should go well.

I also tried to install Kurzweil (a scan and read programme on to my computer at work but with limited success so shall have to wait till Dave (the IT co-ordinator) is back in the office so that he can maybe look at it and help out.

anyways i look forward to seeing how well this projector works over the weekend maybe and therefore prepare a decent slide show for the meeting the following week.

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