Friday 31 August 2007

My morning meeting disaster?...... no chance!

Today fate contrived to ruin me, i had a presenation to give in front of all the managers of Vision Support but the taxi man failed to show up and caused me to be about 10 minutes late thus missing my slot... anyways that was forgiven by those in the meeting and i was allowed in later on so all is well... i thik not... my computer then decided to fail to project on to the wall causing me yet mroe obstacles to overcome... I however remain calm (irriated but calm none the less) and due to having a set of A3 sheets with the majority of slides already on i was able to give the presntation using them instead... albeit without all the information to display... So yes i can confirm that again i was good and conveyed my message and was pleased to have done so after all the hassle i had!

In other news... i registered for the NVQ management level 4 thing today and then spent some time perusing the whole websiteto see what it all entailed!

off to london pretty much now so shall be back on here monday
bye for now

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