Wednesday, 8 August 2007

Dedicated to wendy

Thank you to wendy who has shown support to this blog through out the dry period.

Anyway back to what i've been doing, today i wrote a report regarding how feasable it would be to survey all the service users on our database so fingers crossed that proposal goes ahead and we ccan get some positive results from taht.

Additionally i have rewritten my gant chart for the rest of this month and arranged the FIRST website meeting for early September. Spent some more time getting and giving feedback on the course i was on last week although i still have to show the video of my presentation (the spectacle that it is).

Communications with other course participants is still very high and i see that as a good thing as it keeps netwrokign oppotunities up too.

Looking forward to the introduction of wireless both in the offie and more iminatly home too as it will make it easier to write this blog for one but also allow me to work fromhome occasionally.

All for now

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